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Geoscience for sustainable development
Corsbie WindfarmBorrow pit investigations for proposed windfarmObjective: to identify and test potential sources of concrete aggregate within the Site. Background: the Site lies in an area of the Scottish Borders last surveyed geologically in the 1870's but indicating extensive cover of Quaternary deposits over bedrock largely composed of Devonian sandstone and conglomerate; none of these materials are likely to be suitable for borrow pits. Work completed: a walkover survey of the Site revealed exposures of fresh aphyric basalt and altered amydaloidal basalt within the sandstone outcrop; boulders in field debris suggest that the fresh basalt is of significant extent, probably forming several pipe-like intrusions. Trial pitting in collaboration with Holequest Ltd. Geotechnical Services proved two intrusions and showed the amygdaloidal basalt outcrop also to be extensive. Products: rock samples for testing; report of the Site geology and detail of the trial pits with associated GIS mapping Client feedback: "The work done by GeoloGIS was essential to our design. GeoloGIS were professional and considerate and the resulting verification of onsite rock material will reduce the project’s impacts and costs significantly. We look forward to working with GeoloGIS again". |
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